Setahun udah lewat, tahun 2012 yang lalu di bulan ini adalah bulan yang menguji banget. Sekarang udah 2013, udah setahun gue menjalani buah dari kegagalan dari gagalnya gue masuk PTN. Pas liat adik-adik kelas gue sukses dengan PTN nya, gue seneng plus iri kok mereka bisa yaa. Seandaiya gue angkatan mereka gue bisa ga yaa masuk PTN itu tanpa harus nunggu setahun.
Tapi selanjutnya ada perbincangan gue sama sepupu gue di twitter yang lagi-lagi menyadarkan gue, bahwa ga masuk PTN pun bukan hal yang salah. Ini dia mentionannya...
Upa : upa juga masih sering diketawain dede gara-gara masuk gundar
Teteh : Lho! Kenapa diketawain ?
Upa : Gara-gara SMP favorit, SMA favorit, masaa kuliahnya bukan PTN
Teteh : Yaa.. kan ga selamanya hidup itu beruntung mulu. Ntar yang lain ga kebagian.
Oiya bener !! hidup itu ga selamanya mulus fa. Harus bisa bagi-bagi suasana belajar sama orang lain yang sebelumnya belum seberuntung lo.
Tapi, ga ada lagi kata keberuntungan itu hilang. Gue yakin di dunia nyata ini keberuntungan itu datang disaat kita mengawalinya dengan usaha. Pokoknya kepelesetan ini harus jadi awal untuk keberuntungan selanjutnya.
Success is my choice !
Selasa, 30 Juli 2013
The phenomenon of child abuse
Good evening everyone. Thanks for visiting my blog. Let me introduce myself first, my name is Ulfa Melvina, I come from Indonesia, and I am a student in Gunadarma University majoring Information System.
The focus of my talk tonight is about the phenomenon of child abuse. As we all know, child abuse is a crime that so hated in the word. Because, children is a seeds of the progress of the word. If there a violance in children in large number, of course the world doesn't bring good seeds for their growth. And it can give a bad impact for the future.
My posting will be in four part. In first part, I'll talk about the definition of child abuse. The second part, I'll talk about the type and causes of child abuse. The third part is about the impact of child abuse. And the last part is about the solution to decrease the rates of child abuse.
Let's we begin to my first part..
Child abuse is physical, sexual, or emotional maltreatment or neglect that happened with children. It can be occur in child's house, in the school, in the organization, or in the community that the children interacts with.
Next, the second part. Le me use pie diagram to explain this. There is a diagram about the type of child abuse
Look at the biggest with 78,3% is neglect. Child Neglect is a failure of a parents or a person who have responsibility with children in providing food, medical care, shelter, education, and safety.
Next with 10,8% is Physical abuse. Scratches , burns, laceration, broken bones, and the rough treatment that could make physical injury can be physical abuse.
Next with 7,6% is Sexual Abuse. Sexual abuse refers to a participation of a children in sexual act aim toward the gratification or financial profit of a person who commiting the act.
And than the smallest with 7.6% is Psychological abuse. Psychoogical/Emotional abuse is defined to a produsction of psychologycal or social deficits in the growth of a children as a result is a behavior such as coars attitude, harsh criticism, and the denigration personality.
One children could have more than one type of physical abuse. Or in our world there is a terms : child laboor, child trafficking, child marriage, etc.
What are the causes of child abuse ? The big causes of chil abuse is unemployment and financial difficult of their parents or their place. Moreover, cultural diversity and wars could be a causes of child abuse.
That leads me to the next point..
The impact of child abuse can be psychologycal disorders and physical disorders. In physical disrders can be like burns, bones fracture, broken skins, and could make a risk to developing cancer. In psychologycal disorders are such as depressive, anxial, harsh criticism, and bad attitude. And the fact prove, that the matreatment children is growth to be waltreatment adults.
Next, is my last point.
What should we do after we all know about the condition of our children now ? Should we just keep silent ? Or take an act ?! We must realized, this concerned could be held around of us. We should take an act, we also have responsibility to create a safety environtment for children growth, that starts from their family. Moreover, the goverment should take an act decisively againts to a people who do child abuse, like make alaw of child abuse and give a big punishment for the suspect.
In brief, I hope this posting could open our eyes, open our mind about the condition of our children in the world now. We shouldn't keep silent and let it go like we don't know the fact, we must take an act, to decrease the rates of child abuse and together make a safety environtment for children.
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